Pope Francis has just announced that he is granting plenary
indulgences via Twitter to all Catholics who follow him on the social media
service and who ask for such a boon. Plenary indulgences lessen the punishment
one receives for sin both in this world and in Purgatory. I am a Twitter
follower of the Pope, and I was going to request an indulgence, but it turns
out you also have to be Catholic. Drat.
Not exactly sure what I was missing out on, I looked up indulgence in the Code of Canon Law: "An indulgence is a remission before God
of the temporal punishment for sins the guilt of which has already been
forgiven, which a properly disposed member of the Christian faithful obtains
under certain and definite conditions with the help of the Church which, as the
minister of redemption, dispenses and applies authoritatively the treasury of
the satisfactions of Christ and the saints".
Talk about “being
under the Law”! This sounds more complicated than the software contracts I
agree to when I update my computer programs. But if you are Catholic and you
have sinned and confessed, you might as well Tweet the Holy Father and get the
perks that only The Church can provide. I know I would. "Better safe than sorry" is my motto. Especially when it comes to Purgatory.
This Pope appears to be a humble and caring man. He worked hard to mend relations between Jews and Roman Catholics. He is concerned with poverty and social justice.
Don't you ever have any thing good to say beyond your perrennial kvetch?
And by the way where is the faux torah scholar (right to write) pontificating officiously about ona'as devorim when it comes to your comments about the Pope.
I would expect faux torah scholar to express your disagreements privately by email to the Pope.
Methinks perhaps he is a bit sychophantic. Ah yes or is it the ona'as devorim relates only as to Jew and Jew as opposed to Jew and goyim.
Rabbi, I perceive that much of what you write is intentionally controversial to see the dust it kicks ups. MBN is clearly the dustiest, like Pigpen in the Peanuts cartoon. Reading his comments is like having your crabby grandpa at your high school graduation party. Real buzz kill.
Perhaps what i write is intentionally controversial to see the dust it kicks up. So perhaps you are like pigpen or a crabby granpa. I guess it depends on your perspective or whose ox is being gored.
It is a funny thing about people who are "controvresial" or "irreverent". They never imagine that perhaps they may be subject to the same ridicule and controversy that they initially generate.
Though religious orthodoxy in all its forms is a great target for Rami his views are nothing but another kind of orthodoxy.
Dust was a metaphor for "angry antagonist".
Rabbi Rami has repeatedly spoke that everyone should seek, learn, create or believe in their own version of God. He only pokes fun at people who preach they know THE true God and challenge those who believe them.
You seem obsessed to win an argument you can't win, because your protestations only support his view.
"Your protestations support his view"
Funny i have stated no catechism, no doctrine, I have not expressed my own view of G-d, I have never said Christians are wrong or Moslems are incorrect.
Aside from mocking Rami and critiquing him I have attacked no religion or belief. But yes i do have a belief and that is TURNAROUND IS FAIR PLAY.
I think you are making wild assumptions about my personal beliefs based upon my views about abortion.
By the way atheists may be prolife on moral and humanistic grounds. I assume you are stereotyping me based on my prolife beliefs.
The so-called progressive thinkers are often the greatest bigots and the smallest minds.
Mordechai must have found a new brand of wheaties. His posts about the 'evil' boy were prolific and made me laugh out loud and these are as good.
I'm with Rami on this though Mordechai. I think Jesus did away with that controlling mediation by institution. The Romans took it right back which is why so much catholicism, and protestantism for that matter, is soaked in guilt. Imagine having to tweet the pope to get an earthly break....
baloney! Nice work on the relations though.
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