I’m a few years behind on this, but
I just learned of and read the 2009 Manhattan Declaration on Christianity
published by a group of Catholic, Orthodox, and Evangelical Christians (http://manhattandeclaration.org).
Here are its three essential affirmations:
In this declaration we affirm: 1) the profound, inherent, and equal
dignity of every human being as a creature fashioned in the very image of God,
possessing inherent rights of equal dignity and life; 2) marriage as a conjugal
union of man and woman, ordained by God from the creation, and historically
understood by believers and non-believers alike, to be the most basic
institution in society and; 3) religious liberty, which is grounded in the
character of God, the example of Christ, and the inherent freedom and dignity
of human beings created in the divine image.
Do these three affirmations make sense? Not to me.
First, if we accept Point One
(which I do) and affirm that all people have the same inherent right to equal
dignity and life, how can we then deny marriage to gay people, which is the
intent of Point Two?
Second, again accepting Point One, if a
mother and her unborn child have equal rights to life how can we affirm that
the baby’s right to life trumps the mother’s right to life in those cases where the birth of the unborn will mean the death of the already born?
Third, if we are going to affirm in Point Two that God “ordained” marriage between a man and woman, don't we also have to affirm that God seems to have “ordained” concubinage,
polygamy, and the forced marriage (legalized rape) of women captured in battle (Deuteronomy
21:10-14) as well? Either the authors of the Declaration don’t know their
Bible, or they don’t want us to know it.
Fourth, Point Three says that religious
liberty is “grounded in the character of God.” Really? Are Yahweh and Christ
all about the rights of people to worship as they choose? Yahweh insists that we have no other gods but
him, kills Jews who choose to follow other Gods, and is always willing to
slaughter the priests and followers of Baal. And Christ says “no one comes
to the Father except through me.” Where’s the religious liberty in that? If the Declaration’s declarers want to affirm
religious freedom and liberty for all, I’m with them, but hanging this on
Yahweh and Christ is a stretch.
I have no problem with people
affirming their faith and their right to practice it. But please don’t pretend
that in so doing you are protecting the rights of others to do the same. The Manhattan Declaration is simply a demand that society not intrude on the signers' right to practice their faith as they choose. This is fine with me as long as their right to choose one way doesn't rob others of the right to choose differently. People should be free to practice their religion as they see fit as long as they don't harm others in the process.
I am a fan of declarations, even one's I don't like. So I invite you to share your own declarations with me. Let's see what the state of belief is as we enter 2012.
Happy New Year!