There are aliens
among us, and you may be one of them. The Bible speaks of these aliens in
Genesis 1: Having completed the creation of the natural world, God decided to
create women and men in God’s image. Whereas everything else in the created
world is fashioned within the cosmos, people are created in some liminal space
and plopped on the earth to rule over her—alien invaders set on expansion and
domination (Genesis 1:26–28).
Aliens believe
they are in the world, but not of the world. They long for heaven, dream of
rapture, and too often promote martyrdom and homicide as ways of hastening
their entry into the extra–planetary paradise they believe is their due. Aliens
are alienated from the earth, feel no obligation to nature, and exploit her
Aliens frighten
I prefer the
company of earthlings, organic beings drawn up from the earth to serve creation
rather than dominate it. The Bible speaks of these earthlings in Genesis 2: the
earth was lifeless and bare for there was as yet no water to moisten the soil
and no gardeners to till it. So God caused a mist to rise up from the ground,
and took from the freshly made mud and formed an earthling. God breathed into this
mixture of water and earth and it became aware (Genesis 2: 4–7). Aware of what?
Aware of itself as mud, aware of its task as midwife to nature’s creativity,
aware of itself as speaker for the sea and the land and all their inhabitants.
Earthlings give me
But my hope is
contingent upon their ability to continually till the soil, to break up the
hard lifeless clumps of barrenness and allow the waters to moisten and the air
to enliven and the creative to rise and birth and die and birth and die again
and again and again. I fear that the earthlings are drying out.
Love what you had to say. It makes you think.
I think you need to better appreciate the company of your Lizard overlords. Puny human.
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